Get ready to do

the life-changing work.

You will know how to be the loving wife, mother, sister, friend you always wanted to be.

This is how it’ll work.


Chat with me On a

Free Mini Session.

We’ll meet over Zoom for 45 minutes and talk about your life, your relationships, and your thoughts. I’ll give you all the details of my 6 month program and together we’ll create an easy do-able plan to show you the next step in transforming your life. You’ve already taken the first transformational step!

Whether you decide to join my program or not, you will leave with some amazing tools you can use right away. I believe we are ALL amazing children of God, with value that knows no bounds. You will leave your mini session with a better understanding of the divine daughter you are.


Become a Client

As we meet weekly, you will need to be prepared to show up, be vulnerable, and do the deep work. I will walk you through every step of the way and you will be amazed at how quickly you will start to see changes in your life and in your relationships.

You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll love. You’ll connect.

  • You will learn what the real problem is and how to solve for it.

  • You will be empowered to feel the peace and Christlike love you’ve been longing for.

  • You will feel inspired to show up for yourself like never before.

  • You will unlock the love that has felt out of reach for so long.

All of this is available to you.

And it is easier than you think, I promise!


  • "Michele's coaching saved my marriage!

    When I was first coached by Michele, I was just about to separate from my husband. After feeling like I had nothing left to give, I learned that my thoughts about my husband were the source of all my pain. She helped me see him with a different lens and helped me take ownership for my own experience in marriage.

    My marriage has transformed as I have learned to create the experience and the love that I want to feel in my relationship. As a result, I show up more loving for him and for me. I'm grateful for the new opportunity to love unconditionally and choose my husband again."

    -Laura L.

  • “I was a single mom with an autoimmune disease and a cancer diagnosis. I was working at a job I hated and still couldn’t pay all my bills. Every day felt like a hopeless struggle until I started coaching with Michele. She helped me take a close look at my circumstances and taught me a new way of thinking about my life.

    I discovered I am a strong woman who does hard things well! The tools Michele taught me helped me find what I was missing, what I wanted, and how to look at each new day as a gift. I truly was on the brink of despair and coaching with Michele gave me a new lease on life. Not only do I feel 10 years younger, I can confidently say, ‘I love my life!’”

    -Wendy O.

  • “Having Michele Gardemann as my life coach has been a life changing experience.

    The tools she uses have taught me how to re-shape my thinking patterns, and have calmed me down in stressful situations.

    Michele has helped me recognize how my thoughts affect me in my current and future relationships with others. But most importantly, my relationship with myself.

    Meeting with Michele is always uplifting. She is welcoming and accepting and I look forward to each meeting with her.”

    -Michelle G.

  • “When I was introduced to life coaching, I couldn't believe it had taken me almost 69 years to find this amazing thing! Michele has guided, gently prodded and exposed my thoughts in ways I never imagined possible. We learn together sometimes. Sometimes I just say, ‘Wow! I never thought of it that way!’ Thank you, Michele!”

    -Helen C.

Disclaimer:  Life coaching is not to be considered therapy or a medical treatment. Michele Gardemann Coaching does not diagnose or treat any medical or psychological condition. The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with qualified medical professionals for diagnosis and treatment of health or mental concerns. All teachings, tools, and services provided by Michele Gardemann Coaching are for educational purposes.